Thursday 30 April 2009

Gurkha Justice Campaign

The British have no finer friends than the Gurkha's and yet this government has vetoed proposals to offer them British citizenship.

There are Gurkha's fighting for the British army now - but they can't expect our help should they choose to settle in the country for which they fight??? How come??

If they were to turn up on the back of a lorry from Calais we would give them a a fistful of dollars....unbelievable.

Incredibly for an ex-Gurkha to settle in Britain he must effectively be the holder of a Victoria Cross, Distinguished Service Order or Military Cross - or have sustained a long term injury as a result of military service. How many Gurkha's will meet this criteria? Yeah right not many!!!I better stop now before I say something I will get in trouble for.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

'Becky's Blog' - Scoop the Poop

Got to agree with this one. As a dog owner and parent it drives me crazy that people do not 'scoop the poop.' It gives dogs a bad name (does that make sense?) and is a health hazard to children. I walk my dog each day on Cannock Chase and it is a great place for kids to play. However, how can a family set up for a picnic on a sunny day with the risk that their kids gamboling on the grass are going to catch some nasty infection?

And the number of people who do 'scoop' bu then throw the bag on the floor, or hang it from a branch on a tree (believe me it's true) or throw it on the floor by the bin - is unimaginable!! Why go to the effort of scooping if your then gonna leave it lying around anyway.

Ooooo, need a lie down now...gor that off my chest!!

Life's unfair. As George Orwell wrote long ago: "All animals are equal, but … "

So Harriet Harman has decided to resurrecti his old chestnut.... 'women are hard done by in the workplace' Oh come on Harriet - I don't know how you've got the nerve!!! This is all we need to deflect attention away from the ailing economy, global warming, rising unemployment, failing education system, MP's expenses, immigration - nee I go on???
What about equality when it comes to the tax payer? Who can't pass their home improvements bill onto the state? At a time of such severe economic crisis it is sickening that she should be talking about equality.

Friday 3 April 2009

Sorry Madge - You're not getting your own way this time!!!

Well just a quick note to say, obviously the Malawi authorities have been reading my blog because today they denied Madonna access to adopt/buy baby Mercy James. Hands up who thinks she will do the right thing and give the natural family suficeint means to support this child in Malawi? Nope me neither.

Wednesday 1 April 2009

I've got the money so I'll have what I want!!!

No I'm not reacting to my hormones I am talking about Madonna and her demands to adopt a child from Malawi - Mercy James.
Why should this spoilt American, past it pop star be able to adopt this child when it goes against the law of Malawi? It shows a distinct lack of repsect for the child, her country of origin and the charities TRYING to advise her. It was reported today that the last child she adopted - David was unable to communicate in his mother tongue when he was taken back to the orphanage from where he was adopted. If Madge has no respect for his culture why adopt a child from Malawi - because he matched her handbag??? There must be plenty of children in America she could give a home to? If she is serious about helping either of these children then why not secure their future in the country they were born?

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Lying with integrity

The issue of 'lying with integrity' is more than just telling a 'white lie' to your mate about the size of her derriere. It has the implications of safety and protection of others. I found this newpaper article which I thought illustrated the point rather well. In it the moral question is; Should the Brigadier have told the truth about the problems our troops face in Afghanistan, which had been increased by troops being diverted to fight in Iraq, or should he have 'toed the party line' and kept quiet in order to support Tony Blair's decision.

The Brigadier's actions are termed unconstitutional and a threat to National Security. Yet, he is simply trying to illustrate the difficulties and risk the men he is responsible for, are facing!So, in order to protect TB's integrity he should sacrifice his own!!

This is what Kevin Magill demonstrated in his lecture. Machiavelli had said that a good leader, a successful leader, should have the ability to lie for the good of his nation. Here we see an example of someone's absolute honesty being used against him, in order that Tony Blair is seen as strong and decisive.

Thursday 5 March 2009

Sinead Webdales Thoughts - Masturbation

I totally agree with Sinead's comments and so would like to ask why you think, it is, that if masturbation is common to the majority of the population and it's a normal sexual act why is it kept in the closet? It's not normally something you discuss and yet why not? We tell our friends about sexual liaisons with others but not those we have by ourselves... well women don't anyway - who made it shameful?

Thursday 12 February 2009

Naughty but Nice

To be honest I agree - there is nothing nicer than that first fag of the day. These non smokers just DO NOT understand!!! It is boring, boring, boring hearing their sanctimonious whinging about how unhealthy it all is (blah, blah, blah) Having a fag has never caused me to: Have a one night stand, a fight, or be sick in the gutter!!

Why does 'being bad' feel so good?

Mostly, we are all brought up to be good boys and girls, so why do we all feel tempted to walk on the wild side sometimes?

When we were asked by Mark to contribute something we felt we had done that was 'bad' there were no shortage of takers. Most of the contributions weren't really so bad - a bit foolish maybe - but that's about all but would we have told our families, those deep, dark secrets? And if our parents had been asked the same question, what do we think they would have submitted?? Probably, much of the same.

I think we have to feel tempted by the 'bad' stuff to be able to understand the good. After all who wants to be vanilla all of the time?