Wednesday, 29 April 2009

'Becky's Blog' - Scoop the Poop

Got to agree with this one. As a dog owner and parent it drives me crazy that people do not 'scoop the poop.' It gives dogs a bad name (does that make sense?) and is a health hazard to children. I walk my dog each day on Cannock Chase and it is a great place for kids to play. However, how can a family set up for a picnic on a sunny day with the risk that their kids gamboling on the grass are going to catch some nasty infection?

And the number of people who do 'scoop' bu then throw the bag on the floor, or hang it from a branch on a tree (believe me it's true) or throw it on the floor by the bin - is unimaginable!! Why go to the effort of scooping if your then gonna leave it lying around anyway.

Ooooo, need a lie down now...gor that off my chest!!

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